Bloot Community Discord — For all things bloot and derivatives
Projects that build on top of bloot. If there is any derivative project not on the list, welcome to DM us on twitter.
Bloot (not for Weaks) — It's basically worthless.
Bloot Doggs — Get ready to take your Bloot Doggs with you to the Metaverse.
Skill Stats (not for Weaks) — It's basically worthless. But what if...?
Buildings (not for Weaks) — It is basically worthless, but it is free for bloot holders to get a building.
svBloot — Free for bloot and loot owners to mint, svBloot is basically worthless techbro gear based on Silicon Valley tropes.
Bliomes — Bliomes are detailed instructions of where to locate your bloot. It's still basically worthless.
Bloot Real Estate (not for Weaks) — It's basically worthless. Bloot holders can mint free real estate.